The Idea of Us

The Idea of Us


Interview with Kat Vellos

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Hi, and welcome to the Idea of Us.

The Idea of Us is a podcast that highlights good by interviewing great minds and learning through best practices. This show is a special one. It is my first interview, and I had the opportunity to speak to a true changemaker - Kat Vellos. She is a multitalented human being and published two books about Adult Friendship. Her mission is to help people to live healthier lives by cultivating better friendships. Please tune in to learn why friendship is so important, and how it impacts your health.


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About this podcast

Hi, and welcome to the Idea of Us.

A podcast that highlights good by interviewing great minds and learning best practices. We will discuss the big questions: What and who is us? What is good, and how much good is good? What does it truly mean to care for each other?

Let's go on this journey together to learn and uplift each other.

Much love and light Yehdega

by Yehdega Tedros


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