The Idea of Us

The Idea of Us


Is Toxic Masculinity real?

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Hi Friend, and welcome to the Idea of Us. In this episode, Cameron Bigelow and I discuss whether Toxic Masculinity is real?

Cam is a good friend and colleague of mine, and his mission is to help people to feel their shit, and that is a mission that I can definitely support. In this episode, you will learn how toxic masculinity affects men and society itself, what men and allies can do about it, and how vital the role of mindfulness and breathwork is in that regard. I am aware that this is a controversial topic, and the aim here is not to bash anyone. It is to highlight misconception, change what is not serving us, and to create an understanding.

You can find more information about this Podcast on Instagram at theideaofus.pod. You can contact Cameron directly through his Instagram Handle:

In this episode, he refers to this movie. Go and check it out:

I wish you as always much love and light Yehdega


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About this podcast

Hi, and welcome to the Idea of Us.

A podcast that highlights good by interviewing great minds and learning best practices. We will discuss the big questions: What and who is us? What is good, and how much good is good? What does it truly mean to care for each other?

Let's go on this journey together to learn and uplift each other.

Much love and light Yehdega

by Yehdega Tedros


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