The Idea of Us

The Idea of Us


Humanizing Homelessness - with Arjanna van der Plas

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Hi Friend, and welcome to the Idea of Us. A Podcast that highlights good by interviewing great minds and learning best practices.
We discuss the big questions: What and who is us? What is good, and how much good is good? Also, what does it mean if we truly care for each other?

In this episode, I have the honor to speak to Arjana van der Plas about the topic of homelessness. Arianna is a multitalented and faced person. She is an Engineer, Yoga teacher, Leadership Coach, and co-founder of Women’s Hub Zurich. A safe space for women to build community, grow & develop and support each other. A digital session of the Women's Hub is also where we met the first time and we connected over LinkedIn where I saw that she was working in the impact space and learned more about the project behind the fog. Which is a project where she together with other change-makers are shares stories about people that don’t have a home in San Francisco. Their mission is to humanize homelessness one story at a time and I am so excited that she agreed to share all our insights, wisdom, experience, and perspective in today’s Show about a difficult topic that needs to be addressed and solved.

In this episode, you will learn more about Arjannas's inspiring story and the topic of homelessness in San Francisco.


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About this podcast

Hi, and welcome to the Idea of Us.

A podcast that highlights good by interviewing great minds and learning best practices. We will discuss the big questions: What and who is us? What is good, and how much good is good? What does it truly mean to care for each other?

Let's go on this journey together to learn and uplift each other.

Much love and light Yehdega

by Yehdega Tedros


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